Monday, July 16, 2007

Language section

The section answering questions about the language in Kyrgyzstan is now up. Enjoy.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's up and running!

Alright! This will be my only post for a month or so. I leave for Kyrgyzstan on September 4th. I'll get myself settled in and plan to update the blog weekly whenever possible.

There was a very good response to my blog from last summer. I'm much happier with this one. I think it looks nicer and Google's interface is a thousand times easier to use than Tripod's. That means I'll post more than I did last time.

Follow the links to the right to navigate the web page. I've tried to answer a few questions that people tend to ask me a lot. If you have any other questions that, in your opinion, deserve their own section of the site, email me ( or just add a comment to one of the posts.

Oh, and I'll have the section on the language up soon...I'm trying to make some audio files so you can get the full experience.