Friday, September 7, 2007

General Orientation

I arrived in Bishkek on Thursday, September 6th. My plane came in from London (via Tiblisi) at 3:00 in the morning. I caught a taxi to my apartment, where I waited for Tynara Ryskulova (my contact at American University - Central Asia) to arrive and let me in. The apartment is nice (definitely nicer than the one I stayed in on my last trip). I've poseted a few photos in the photo section for anyone who is interested.

The summer is winding down here. Daytime temperatures reach the mid 80's. Nights can get downright cool, because of the cold air coming down from the mountains that lie along Bishkek's southern edge. The mountains still have snow on them--they never really thaw.

I'm spending most of my time right now trying to orient myself. Bishkek is not a complicated city, but it helps to just walk the streets to figure out where everything is. I have a reasonably good bazaar right around the corner from my apartment, and a lot of stores on Chui Prospect (the main street in the city) for my non-food or specialized-food needs.

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