Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Interviews: State Institutions

These interview questions are about how people interact with their state. They're kind of sketchy, because I don't understand this part of how people think very well. That's one of the reasons I'm doing interviews on this subject.

State Institutions and Social Involvement

I want to understand how you think about Kyrgyzstan. Specifically, I want to understand your ideas about how people here affect the way the country is run. I am also very interested in any experience you or someone you know has had in participating in this country.

1. What is your country supposed to do for you?
-What do organizations associated with the state of Kyrgyzstan do for you?
-Is that the case just with you, or is that the way it is with everyone?
-What should organizations associated with the state of Kyrgyzstan do for you?
-Why do you think they do not currently do that?

2. What are you supposed to do for your country?
-In what ways do you affect your country?
-In what ways can people affect a country like Kyrgyzstan?

3. What do you think about the differences between people in the north of the country and the south of the country?
-Where do you think these differences come from?
-How do you think these differences affect Kyrgyzstan as a country?
-Are there any other differences in the country that you think are also important?

4. Do you think there are any leaders in Kyrgyzstan—at the level of the city or village, region, province, or government—who really want to make Kyrgyzstan a better place?
-Where do you think most of those leaders are located?
-How much of an effect do you think they have?

5. Where could someone go if he or she was interested in changing this country, even in a small way?
-There are a lot of organizations, many of them from different countries, who are here to try to improve governance, relieve poverty, and in other ways improve Kyrgyzstan. Do you think these organizations have any effect?
-Do you think the religious organizations—the mosques and the churches—can have any effect on the country?
-Does voting matter?

6. Do you think the ethnic diversity—the fact that there are many people in this country who are not ethnically Kyrgyz—makes it more difficult for the country to be run effectively?
-What do you make of the ethnic conflicts that happened in Osh (in 1990)? Was that just a matter of Uzbeks being different from Kyrgyz?
-What do you think is the proper way to handle that ethnic diversity?
-What about religious diversity?

7. Do you think the average person in Kyrgyzstan really cares about how the country is run?
-A few years ago, many Kyrgyz citizens seemed to care enough to force President Akayev to resign. What do you think motivated them?
-Do you think that was an isolated occurrence?
-How important is the country’s government to you personally?
-And when compared with the provincial and city government?
-In the long run, do you think it really matters how Kyrgyzstan is run?

8. What do you think Kyrgyzstan will be like in the future?
-What things do you think will change?
-What do you think will stay the same?
-How long do you think it will take for changes to happen?

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